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Borscht and Hot dogs


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This was our waiting-for-the-power-to-go-out meal. We madeborscht[@rev] earlier. It was not our best. First of all, we didn't have carrots and the beet greens were not good so we didn't use them. Also, we used way too much potato. Then I added water but let it boil down too much. It was tasty but not incredible like it had been in the past. Especially the last time that was really good.

The hot dogs were intended so that if the power died while we were cooking them, we could eat them no matter what. We just used the griddler on the 97% fat free ones. Note that even the low fat have a huge amount of fat and calories but these have very, very little. They are 40 cal each! As I have noted in the past, I am now against using crappy buns so we used "focaccia rolls" we bought. I put it in quotes since it was really nothing more than ciabatta with seasoning. I was happy with that since it mean less oil.

Original Wordpress ID and Date: 1364, 2011-08-27_161800